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  • Industri Energi Baru

    New Energy Lithium Battery Chemical Case
    The client is a national high-tech enterprise focusing on the development of new energy materials. Its main business modules include lithium-ion battery negative electrode materials, lithium-ion battery positive electrode materials, and carbon nanomaterials. It is a national standard-setting unit for many national standards such as graphite negative electrode materials, lithium titanate negative electrode materials, and lithium iron phosphate positive electrode materials. Since 2011, it has always maintained the world's first place in the market share of lithium-ion battery negative electrode materials.

    Materi Aplikasi

    Selama proses pengangkutan bahan, dimungkinkan untuk secara bersamaan mencapai proses seperti pengukuran, batching, penyaringan, pencampuran, penghilangan besi, dan penghilangan pengotor untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi Anda

    Sistem Konveyor Pneumatik
    Sistem konveyor pneumatik · Pengangkutan pneumatik tekanan negatif · Konveyor pneumatik fase encer · Pengangkutan pneumatik bubuk · Sistem pengangkutan cairan · Sistem konveyor pneumatik fase padat
    Sistem Batching Otomatis
    Sistem batching otomatis · Sistem batching otomatis bahan cair · Sistem pengumpanan sentral · Sistem pengumpanan otomatis

    Gambar Desain

    Diagram alir Proses Sistem Pengayakan dan Pengangkutan Tepung Makanan Guangzhou Nanqiao V24-8-8-Model
    Model Skema Awal Kabel Kereta Api Jiaozuo
    Great Wall Cork Project Flowchart (1)
    Solusi Transportasi Zhejiang Aoshou (Vijay)
    Konsultasi untuk solusi industri yang cocok untuk Anda